9 Things You Did Not Know You Can Use Lemon Peel For

Did you know that lemon must contain more vitamins than meat? If you want to get the most benefits, be sure to buy organically produced lemons to avoid harmful chemicals in the peel.
9 things you did not know you can use lemon peel for

It is common to throw away the lemon peel when making lemonade or using lemon juice for various recipes. If you are also throwing away the lemon peels, you may want to reconsider this behavior after reading this article. Today’s article is about how you can use lemon peel for 9 different things!

As the next, we want to share some of the different uses and applications of citrus peel with you. You will never throw them away again.

Using lemon peel is just as good as the meat

No doubt you have read about how good lemon juice can be for you; it is rich in vitamins and minerals and can also be used as a disinfectant, polish, stain remover, perfume, etc.

But what you probably do not know is that this green or yellow shell has dozens of uses in everyday life.

You probably want to know how to use it. Here we will tell you how.

Lowers cholesterol

Using lemon peel means taking advantage of the high levels of antioxidants it contains.

It also has flavonoids that balance triglyceride levels and lipids in the blood as well as naturally cleanses your body.


  • 1 lemon peel
  • 1/2 cup water (100 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (10 ml)


  • To enjoy these benefits, grate lemon zest and mix it with a little water.
  • Then add one tablespoon. lemon juice and drink it immediately.
  • Do this every morning for a week.

Prevents osteoporosis


Everyone knows that lemons contain a lot of vitamin C, but it is not their only nutrient. They also provide a lot of calcium which has been proven yil to be essential for bone strength and health.

Ingestion of lemon peel helps not only to prevent osteoporosis, but also rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthritis.

Improves the appearance of the hands

If you have age spots or sun spots on your skin, you can rub the inside of the lemon peel (the white side) on the exposed areas to restore their natural tone.

We also recommend doing the same with your nails to whiten them and leave them prettier.

Soften and soothe feet

You can use lemon peel for many things

When you are tired after walking around all day at work or from running around and trying to get a lot of things done: a relaxing foot bath will soothe and soften your sore feet.


  • 1 lemon peel
  • 1/2 cup water (125 ml)
  • 1/4 cup milk (62 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil or almond oil (32 g)
  • 3 drops of essential lemon oil


  • Boil the lemon peel in water for several minutes.
  • Squeeze out the liquid and mix it in the milk, the oil and the essential oil.
  • When it reaches a comfortable temperature, soften your feet with this remedy for 20 minutes.
  • Dry without rubbing.

Peels and improves the appearance of the skin

For example, if you have very cracked elbows or heels, we recommend that you rub lemon peel on this area before bedtime. You can also use the skin from this citrus fruit as a natural peeler.


1/2 cup sugar (100 g)
1 lemon peel
3 tbsp olive oil (48 g)


  • Grate the peel and mix it with sugar and olive oil.
  • Apply this to the body using gentle circular motions.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes and rinse with warm or scalding water.

Reduces oxidative stress

4 lemons

Thanks to the flavonoids in lemon peel, they can help reduce the effects of free radicals, toxic and carcinogenic elements that can build up inside your body.

We recommend adding grated lemon zest to your desserts, teas or smoothies to achieve all the benefits.

Several studies have shown that consuming lemons in general and the peel in particular can help prevent various types of cancer (including colon and breast cancer).

Do not forget that citrus fruits have an alkaline effect and that diseases tend to manifest when your body is too acidic.

You can use lemon peel at home

In addition to the many uses of lemon peel for health and beauty, it can also be a great help when it comes to cleaning your home. Some of the more prominent uses include:

Disinfection of the kitchen

This is especially good for countertops and utensils that have been in contact with raw foods. Grated lemon peel can disinfect knives, wooden cutting boards, and even towels as well as furniture.

It can also help clean your microwave and other appliances.

All you have to do is make a liquid disinfectant.


  • 1 grated lemon peel
  • 1/2 liter of boiling water


  • Mix these two ingredients together, add them to a spray bottle and spray any surface you want to clean.

Makes your home smell great

5-grated lemon peel

To help your house always smell nice, try using lemon peel.


  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 2 lemon peels
  • 3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (5 ml)


  • Bring the water to a boil and add the grated lemon zest, rosemary, and vanilla extract.
  • Let it simmer for 10 minutes before removing it from the heat.
  • Once cooled, pour the liquid into a jar and leave it untouched in any area you want to add this scent to.

Protection against insects

Depending on the season, pests are always present. In the summer, for example, you have mosquitoes and flies, while ants and moths appear in the spring.

To ward off all insects and have a more peaceful home, you can store  some grated lemon peel in a container or satin bag and place it near doors and windows.

Another option is to make a citrus spray mixed with water and apply it to your curtains and bedding. Are you ready to stop the spill and use lemon peel?

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