7 Amazing Benefits Of Chia Seeds You Probably Do Not Know About

In addition to being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, chia seeds are full of energy, they are satisfying and they can help you lose weight. It’s time to try this superfood!
7 amazing benefits of chia seeds you probably do not know about

One can not disagree that chia seeds are popular. If we disregard what you might hear from celebrities and health-conscious individuals, you should know that there are actually many benefits to chia seeds.

In today’s article we will tell you what it is and why you need to add it to your diet.

Chia seeds: miraculous and delicious

There are many benefits to chia seeds.

The word “chia” comes from the Mayan language and means “strength”. For thousands of years, this seed has been used in Central America as an everyday food. This is because chia seeds are full of vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals.

Although chia seeds were originally part of a maya and aztec diet, they have now come out to the whole world, where especially athletes, more than anyone else, prefer it.

Besides being nutritious, the good news is that they do not change the taste of your food – you can combine it with both sweet or savory things!

Typical recipes for breakfast, dessert or dinner can incorporate these small gluten-free seeds to add a great amount of fiber and antioxidants.

Here are some interesting facts about this super-seed, according to the American Society of Nutrition:

  • They contain five times more calcium than milk (this is ideal for those who are lactose intolerant or vegan).
  • They have three times as many antioxidants as blueberries.
  • They are three times richer in iron than spinach (perfect for those who are anemic).
  • They contain more protein than vegetables.
  • They contain twice as much fiber as oats (recommended for people with constipation).
  • They provide twice as much potassium as a banana (which helps prevent seizures).

The many benefits of chia seeds

We have already told you about many properties of this miraculous seed, but these are not the only nourishing properties you can take advantage of.

Let’s take a look at some more:

Reduces food cravings

There are many benefits of chia seeds, for example, it gives a good feeling of satiety.

If you suddenly get an uncontrollable urge to eat something sweet or salty in the afternoon, try eating a spoonful of these seeds instead.

  • They give an incredible feeling of satisfaction and then  they are also easy to digest.
  • We recommend that you eat chia seeds for breakfast to keep your stomach happy for several hours.
  • You can mix it with yogurt, milk or even orange juice.


Are you the kind of person who usually does not drink much fluid during the day? Maybe it’s because you forget or do not like to drink a lot of water?

In that case, eat chia seeds because they help your body stay hydrated.

It is also perfect before training or a very intense day.

Reduce joint pain

Omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds are anti-inflammatory, which is ideal if you have pain in your joints.

Aztec warriors used these seeds, among other things, to heal knee injuries.

If you have arthritis or osteoarthritis, we suggest you add chia seeds to your breakfast.

Protection against toxins

There are many benefits of chia seeds, they protect against toxins, for example.

Living in cities can cause lots of health problems. In addition to stress, pollution is a factor that must not be forgotten. If you add it to tobacco smoke and UVA rays, the consequences can be very harmful.

Chia seeds are able to protect you from these toxins.

How? They improve the health of your skin and create a protective layer against the sun’s harmful rays, while strengthening the lungs.

They are full of energy

Have you felt very tired lately, without energy and with difficulty concentrating?

If so, you should consider adding chia seeds to your diet. They help you get more active from the early morning hours.

In addition to this, they can give you the dose of energy you are missing because they contain more protein and potassium than most fruits and vegetables. It’s ideal on a Monday!

Increase muscle mass

Get better muscle mass with chia seeds.

Another benefit of eating chia seeds is related to energy.

When you exercise and want to build more muscle, you may end up using chemical supplements that are not good for your health or have negative side effects.

An excellent natural substitute is chia because it helps regenerate tissues and increase muscle mass. Add these seeds to your smoothies and juices either before or after you go to the gym.

They help you lose weight

One of the main benefits of chia seeds is that they help you lose weight. This is thanks to the fiber they contain and the ability to control your appetite.

When they come in contact with water, these seeds expand 10 times their original size. Don’t worry – this is not a bad thing at all. You will not feel hungry for many hours!

More benefits of chia seeds

Here are even more benefits of chia seeds.

As if that were not enough, there are still more properties of chia seeds that we will share:

  • They remove fluids and toxins  (helps prevent cellular oxidation).
  • They regulate your intestinal flora.
  • They reduce anxiety (help you relax).
  • They fight orange peel.
  • They speed up your pins and burn fat.

To get all the benefits of chia seeds, we recommend that you soak them in water before eating them. One tablespoon of seeds for a cup of water is abundant.

Then you can add them to any food or drink, and voila! Are you ready to take advantage of all the delicious benefits of chia seeds?

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