6 Natural Drinks For A Better Sleep

Fortunately, there are many good alternatives to a better sleep that will do even more for you than just helping you relax. They will regulate the body and help you sleep through the night.
6 natural drinks for a better sleep

Do you want a better sleep? In addition to these natural drinks, it is important that your bedroom is furnished for a good night’s sleep and that you use it only for this purpose.

A good night’s sleep is essential for a healthy life. However, insomnia is a common disorder that can occur at any time in life, as a result of e.g. stress.

Ideally, you should aim for 8 hours of sleep each night. Although sleeping pills can help you get a better night’s sleep, use them only in emergencies.

We recommend that you always choose natural drinks.

Fortunately, there are many good alternatives to a better sleep that will do even more for you than just helping you relax. They will regulate your body and help you sleep through the night.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile is a relaxing and soothing drink that helps with anxiety. A Chinese study has shown that it is even good to help new mothers sleep better and fight postpartum depression. For a better sleep, drink a cup of warm chamomile tea.


  • 1 tablespoon chamomile
  • 2.5 dl water

Course of action

  • Bring the water to a boil and add the chamomile when it boils
  • Let it soak for 5 minutes, then strain and drink it
  • Sweet it possibly. with a little honey

Chamomile is not only a helpful remedy for insomnia. It is also an excellent, natural remedy for digestive problems, something that can also affect sleep quality.

2. Valerian

This plant is very effective in fighting insomnia; it helps you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.

Due to its properties, valerian can provide energy during the day and make you relax if you take it before bedtime.


  • 2.5 dl water
  • 1 teaspoon valerian

Course of action

  • Add the valerian to boiling water and let it soak for a few minutes
  • Say and drink it right away

3. Lemon balm

Lemon balm, also known as Melissa Officinalis, is a very beneficial remedy for better sleep, thanks to its hypnotic properties. Although you can drink it 2-3 times a day, be careful if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. In that case, you should avoid this tea.


  • 1 teaspoon lemon balm
  • 2.5 dl water

Course of action

  • Bring the water to a boil and add the lemon balm
  • Remove the water from the heat and let it soak for 5 minutes. Say and drink

4. Cherry juice

Cherry juice is a natural source of melatonin, which is the hormone that regulates your sleep cycle. Several studies have shown a positive effect on the link between cherry juice and better sleep quality. Therefore, for a better sleep and rest, we recommend that you drink half a glass of cherry juice morning and evening.

This will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Although no negative side effects have been reported with this juice, we recommend that you do not drink more than one glass a day.

This is because it contains large amounts of sugar and can result in changes in glucose levels.

If you are an active person, the amount of sugar may not be a problem, but it is still best not to exceed one glass a day.

5. Lavender

Lavender stimulates relaxation. just as it lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

These three characteristics make it one of the best drinks for a better night’s sleep. We recommend that you drink it half an hour before bedtime.


  • 1 tablespoon fresh or dried lavender
  • 5 dl water

Course of action

  • Bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat and add the lavender
  • Say it, after pulling for 5 minutes
  • Drink it hot

Also read: Pineapple peels benefit the skin. Try this recipe

6. Coconut water

Coconut water will help you fall asleep faster. We recommend that you drink a glass (2 dl) of coconut water one hour before bedtime.

This drink is ideal for combating stress-related insomnia, as well as insomnia caused by poor diet. Only try to buy coconut water that is free of preservatives.

Also read: Scrub your feet with coconut oil and salt

Overall advice for a better sleep

Try to get 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Although this number may vary depending on activity and necessity, it is important to complete a full sleep cycle each day.

When one does not get enough sleep, the body produces cortisol, which can increase stress levels. In addition, too little sleep may increase your insulin resistance, which may increase the risk of developing diabetes or, if you already have diabetes, cause more problems.

  • Provide a relaxing environment. Your bedroom should be soothing and give you a sense of peace. Make sure that the room has a comfortable temperature and that there is no noise.
  • Sleep in comfortable clothes. The most ideal to sleep in is soft and light clothing, made of cotton. If heavier materials are needed, you can use it, but make sure you never feel uncomfortable.
  • If your daily routine prevents you from getting a complete sleep cycle, try to catch up on some sleep. It will also help on bags under the eyes and fatigue.
  • Do not consume coffee, soda or fat two hours before bedtime. When you consume these products, you will be fresher and will have greater difficulty falling asleep.
  • It is important to eat dinners that include vegetables, lean meats and a piece of fruit. Additionally, if you add one of the above drinks, you will have a much easier time sleeping better.

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