5 Yoga Exercises You Can Practice If You Are Not Agile

Are you not very flexible? Thanks to yoga, you can gradually improve your flexibility in a way that is tailored to your options. Try these amazing positions!
5 yoga exercises you can practice if you are not agile

There are many people who are very inflexible. This causes muscular and joint pain, as well as a great deal of frustration when you stretch or try some yoga exercises.

Therefore, today you will discover 5 yoga exercises that will help you feel more comfortable if you are not very flexible.

Yoga is not only an exercise that creates mental well-being, but also allows us to improve our physical condition. However, if you have very low flexibility, it does not mean that you can not practice yoga. In fact, it is quite the opposite. There are potential positions available to you.

5 yoga exercises if you are not very flexible

If you are not very flexible, the yoga exercises that we will show you will help you gradually improve your flexibility. However, you need to have patience and be persistent.

Of course , never push your body too much. This can hurt you.

1. The child’s position

This is one of the first yoga exercises if you are not flexible that you will love. It is usually done at the end of a yoga session, to relax the muscles.

This position, also known as Tadasana , is very important. It stretches your hips, thighs and ankles while reducing back pain. Many people perform this after doing the pine posture to relax the cervical muscles.

Woman practices yoga

2. Downward facing dog

The second yoga position may be a little uncomfortable at first. The way to do it is by creating a mountain with your body by stretching your arms and legs while your head is between your arms.

The ideal position is achieved when your feet are pressed all the way down to the ground. If you are not flexible, you will not be able to do this in the beginning and you will have to lift your heels.

But do not worry. With exercise and time, you will be able to move your heels downward until your feet touch the ground. This position promotes blood circulation and stretches the body. It is ideal for heating.

Also read: Effective yoga poses that help you slim down fast

Yoga position downward facing dog

3. Broen

This position can also be difficult to perform properly if you are very inflexible. But like the previous one, over time you will understand how to perform it much better. Thus, you will benefit from all its benefits.

  • Lie on your back, raising your hips as high as possible.
  • Your feet should be supported by the floor and your arms should be stretched along your body with your hands intertwined.

This yoga pose helps to stimulate the abdominal organs, in addition to improving digestion. It is one of the most important things for women as it helps relieve menstrual cramps.

Woman walking in bridge

4. Due positions

This fourth yoga position, in case you are not flexible, is ideal for improving your elasticity over time.  If it is very difficult to perform it, you can support yourself to help perform the position.

This yoga bag improves body posture and adjustment. Also, if you have sciatica problems, it will help you relieve the pain a bit.

Also read: 6 Extraordinary Yoga Positions to Lose Weight

Stretching out

5. Solhilsen

The last yoga position if you are not flexible you can perform is the one known as Uttanasana .

  • To do this, stand up with your feet firmly on the ground.
  • Try to touch your feet with your hands.
  • If you are very inflexible, you do not reach your feet, but it does not matter. Stay at the height you can reach and keep your legs behind.
  • The goal is to push your body as much as possible against your legs and touch your head against them.

All of these yoga poses allow you to improve your flexibility. There are some positions that will be very easy while others will be a little harder. The easy ones will help you have the confidence to keep evolving towards the other positions.

Are you a very inflexible person? Have you ever tried yoga? We encourage you to give it a try because it will help you gain more flexibility over time. You just need perseverance and a little patience.

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