5 Habits To Recover From Muscle Injury

Muscle injuries range from simple contractions to sprains. Read on here to learn about habits that will help you recover from muscle injuries. 
5 habits to recover from muscle damage

The time required to recover from muscle damage depends on several different factors. These include, among other things, the type and size of the injury, the person’s health, their physical condition and the diet they follow. However, one can help speed up this process by following the tips we describe below.

What is a muscle injury?

In general, muscle injuries range from simple muscle contractions to overexertion of the muscle. The causes of muscle damage are different:

  • Lack of muscular balance. All muscle groups include muscles with opposite functions such as agonists and antagonists (for example, biceps and triceps, quadriceps and buttocks, etc.). However, when there is an imbalance between the two, the risk of injury increases.
  • Low elasticity. The stiffer you are, the higher your risk of injury.
  • Changes in hydration / diet. Dehydration before, during and after performing a sports activity. Dehydrated muscles are more vulnerable to injury.
  • Histochemical disorders. These include changes in trace elements (calcium, potassium, etc.) that are necessary for muscle metabolism. Therefore, it is important to respect recovery periods and to use the right nutrients.
  • Poor support, type of shoes, wrong movements. These can all cause muscle overexertion.
  • Insufficient rest, not enough sleep, insufficient warm-up time. All of this affects rehabilitation and muscle exertion.
  • Weather and climate. Cold and humidity can affect your muscles.
  • The conditions for any athlete. Race, gender and genetic conditions can all play a role along with other aspects.

Good habits to recover from muscle damage

Use ice

Someone who puts an ice pack on his ankle to recover from muscle damage

When suffering from an injury, do not overload the injured area. Put ice on for a few minutes to reduce inflammation and repeat the process three times a day.

2. Rest to recover from muscle damage

Once you have received medical attention and used ice cream, you need to rest. If you rest enough, it heals quickly. Often it is just a muscle injury, and therefore it is most often enough not to use the muscles to recover as quickly as possible.

However, you should also know that rest prevents the injury from recurring in the future or becoming chronic.

Do not worry! You regain your physical condition once you have recovered.

3. Do rehabilitation exercises

A woman performing rehab exercises with a physiotherapist

Next, visit a physiotherapist or specialist in the field if your injury is more serious. Rehabilitation exercises are the key to healing.

You need to perform the exercises you need to regain muscle mass and strengthen your muscles. Failure to do so may result in recurrence of the same injury.

4. You need to keep your body hydrated to recover from muscle damage

This is important. Of course, it is important to recover from physical activity and keep your body hydrated. Dehydration promotes injuries for various reasons.

Running or performing physical activity while dehydrated strains your joints and causes you to lose mobility. At a muscular level, overexertion leads to a higher risk of tendon, muscle or joint damage because they lose elasticity. Therefore, make sure you drink enough before, during and after your workout.

5. Certain foods can help recover from muscle damage

Fruits and vegetables in basket

In general, some fruits have nutrients that are beneficial to healing quickly. For this to happen, however , you need to follow a healthy diet. These foods are:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids

These increase the rate of recovery of damaged cells and collagen synthesis. Therefore, they improve mobility and relieve pain. They are very important because their anti-inflammatory effects reduce the synthesis of cytokines, which are inflammatory components.

  • Selenium

This mineral is very important for enzymes to function properly. When you suffer from a muscle injury, it protects against oxidative damage. Tuna, cod, eggs, turkey and fortified foods are rich in selenium.

  • Zinc

This nutrient helps with wound healing, reduces inflammation and ensures a proper immune response. Yogurt, lentils, beans, peas, milk and spinach are rich in zinc.

  • Vitamin B12

This vitamin helps convert proteins into amino acids. During this process, the body produces new muscle proteins and ligaments to help create new muscle tissue. Dairy products and meat are the main sources of vitamin B12.

  • Vitamin C

Lastly, vitamin C helps with collagen formation and repair of tendons and ligaments. In addition to vitamin C, lemons also contain hesperidin, which is a flavonoid that protects cells. Tomatoes, broccoli, citrus fruits and strawberries are also rich in vitamin C.

Finally, you should know that muscle injuries represent 10 to 55% of all sports-related injuries. Depending on the extent of muscle injury, it may take the injured athlete up to three months to be able to return to regular training and exercise.

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