5 Characteristics Of Empathetic People

Empathic people can hear without thinking about their answers. They just want to understand the people around them. Are you an empathetic person?
5 characteristics of empathetic people

Empathic people have the ability to put themselves in someone else’s place. They see things from the other person’s point of view.

Empathy is a useful social tool for the environment we live in. With empathy we can connect deeper with the people around us.

Although this ability is unique to humans, we do not all develop it equally. There are some who are obviously very empathetic. They do not have to work hard at it.

Others need to work harder to be able to use this to connect with others.

In this article we will share the most important characteristics of empathetic people with you :

1. They really listen to what other people are saying

Empathic people listen to every word in a conversation. But the difference between them and other people is that they give them their full attention.

An empathetic person does not just listen to say something back. They are really interested in what you want to say to them.

While this may not seem particularly important, it is worth paying attention while listening to a gift you are giving to the person you are talking to.

It is also a difficult ability to use.

Most of us do not usually give our full attention to others. The normal thing to do is listen so you can say something back or debate an issue. The problem with this is that the connections we make with others are not as strong.

On the other hand, empathetic people respond to what you say with your whole body.

It is easy to realize that they are paying attention to what you are saying. They show it with their movements, energy and posture.

2. Empathic people value curiosity

Empathic people value curiosity.

As children, putting others in the idea of ​​asking too many questions is a bad thing. But the reality of the situation is a little different.

There are certain questions that should not be asked until you reach a certain level of confidence. That said, that does not mean you should not ask for something.

Empathic people do not believe in this worldview. They are carried away by the curiosity they feel for customs, experiences and any knowledge the other person has.

So, next time you talk to someone, ask them about their interests, dreams and goals. This exercise will help you develop empathy. It will also make you see reality from the point of view of others.

3. They make their views known

Empathic people do not blindly maintain the same opinions throughout their lives.

Instead, they listen and ask.

They understand that there is not just one answer to everything and understand that everyone has their own motives. They are not interested in being right all the time. Instead, they prefer to discuss and exchange ideas.

At the end of this process, it is not strange for them to change their opinions or adopt someone else’s. But understand us right, they do not do it to make you like them.

If they change their mind, it’s because they really believe something.

To be more empathetic, talk to people who think differently than you do in certain areas. Listen to their ideas and make your own known.

The most important thing about this process is that you do not try to convince anyone that your ideas are correct. Just listen.

4. They pay attention to what they say

The words you use are just as important as listening.

Empathic people understand that words are a weapon that can save or harm people. Because of this, they are very careful about what they say.

When they speak, they do so without judging, demanding, or pointing to things. This even means that they will ask if they can give some advice before sharing them.

Sometimes we do not know how to tell the difference between helping and demanding. Because of this, when talking to someone who is going through a hard time, it is important to use phrases like “I can not imagine it” or “How can I help you?”

This way , the other person will feel that you really understand them and you are not judging them.

5. They understand that everyone needs to be treated differently

Empathic people understand that the words “treat others as you would like to be treated” are not a rule. This is because not everyone wants to be treated the same.

Being empathetic means getting rid of your arrogance and pride. It also means accepting that there is more than one way to be right.

Sometimes we let go of someone because of a single attitude or experience. We do not think about the story behind their actions. Maybe this was an insignificant experience for you, but for them it could be a huge emotional burden.

This does not mean that empathetic people do not make decisions or say what they want. On the contrary: they explain what they feel or want, but they always have their listening party in mind.

With this in mind, are you an empathetic person? Do you want to be one? Try to put these qualities into practice!

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