10 Great Uses Of Lemons

Both the peel and the flesh of a lemon can be used for innumerable of means both externally and internally. Check out these 10 great ways to use lemons!
10 great uses of lemons

Lemons are a great food that you should always have at home –  not only as a source of food, but also as a remedy and a solution to many daily problems.

In this article, we want to share 10 surprising, inexpensive and effective ways to take advantage of lemons.

Let’s look at them!

Lemons can be used to make an affordable detox

Lemons have important cleansing properties. This means that they can help  remove toxins  that accumulate in the body and over time can cause chronic diseases.

One of the best ways to cleanse one’s body and avoid problems such as  constipation, heartburn, kidney stones, high blood pressure and so on  is by drinking water with lemon every day. Preferably on an empty stomach.

Lemons can fight anemia

People suffering from anemia should be aware that the vitamins C contained in lemon can  improve the body’s ability to process iron from the foods it eats.

This is why one should get used to adding flavor to his dishes with a bit of lemon juice.

Lemons can lighten skin

Lemon juice is a powerful brightener. It can help  prevent and remove blemishes on the skin. It can also lighten areas that have darkened over time, such as one’s forearms and nails.

All you have to do is rub half a lemon on the areas you want to brighten. You should do this once a day until you achieve the desired results.

Lemons can be used as a home cleaner

Have you run out of a specific cleaning product? Or do you want to use more natural solutions in the home? Lemons are among the most effective solutions you have. Others are vinegar and baking soda.

This citrus fruit is a good remedy for dirt. It  also removes bacteria, absorbs odors, and it can even restore the clear colors of the clothes  when you add it to your washing machine along with your regular washing powder.

5. Do not forget the shell

Do you have organic lemons at home?

If you are sure that no pesticides were used during the cultivation, you should know that you can also use the peel from the lemon. It is  much richer in nutrients than the meat is.

We recommend  tearing it and freezing it. This way you can always add it to your sauces, dressings or pastries, which need a little extra flavor.

6. Lemon cubes

If you find it difficult to drink water, or you like that your drinks taste a little sour, then you can  make ice cubes with lemon instead of water. That way, you will always have them ready for juice, soda, tea and so on.

You can make them even more original if you add something inside. It can be fresh mint leaves, blueberries or a small piece of lemon peel.

7. A natural antidepressant

Lemons, like all other citrus fruits, have antidepressant properties that can  improve one’s mood and prevent conditions of sadness, discouragement and nostalgia.

That is why we recommend that you have plenty of lemons at home. One should have them where one can see them, on trees, make lemonade, and give fragrance to the home by using lemon peel.

You can also use lemon peel, to give flavor in a natural way.

8. Healing mouthwash


When one’s throat starts to hurt or bother one, then lemons are one of the  best remedies for healing mouthwash.

Simply squeeze some lemon juice into warm water. And then  add any other ingredient you want  – for example propolis or honey.

This type of mouthwash is most effective if you repeat it several times a day.

9. Say goodbye to migraines

There is an ancient remedy for relieving migraines. It consists of  cutting a lemon in half and getting it on each wrist for 10 minutes.

You can use some tape to hold the two halves in place.

The healing properties of the lemon will reach the bloodstream through the pores of the skin.

10. An immediate antiseptic

If you need to  disinfect a wound or clean a surface,  you can simply use lemon juice.

For the more delicate parts of the body, we recommend that you  dilute it in water  first so that it does not burn.

This is a quick and inexpensive solution that you can use all the places you need to  disinfect something quickly.

So what are you waiting for? Go out and grab some organic lemons and try these wonderful remedies!

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